Thursday, February 24, 2011

LOTS has happened since my last post.....

There was one week, Feb 2nd-9th that was one of the worst weeks I've had in my life, even harder than moving across the country. I won't go into detail, but lets just say I was really questioning why I was following Jesus...hadn't done that in quite a while. I've been following Christ for almost nine years, and don't regret that decision, but there's certain situations that God may allow in life to test that. Anyway, during that week, I had to go through a huge heart check. Then things turned around so fast...God works FAST! Within less than a week, I had a job and a place to call my own (my 1st one-bedroom apartment)! So, let me fill you in a bit on how this came about...

On Feb 1st, I had an interview for a job I hadn't even applied for! I had applied for a grocery store that these two brothers also own (two locally owned grocery stores), but they didn't have anything available...however, they DID have a position available for the restaurant that they co-own! NEVER in my life would I have applied for a waitress position, considering I'm not the most coordinated person in the world. But they really wanted me to give it a try, so I told them I would. So, my 1st night on Feb 4th was apparently one of the busiest nights they've ever had; talk about initiation! CRAZY night and I almost walked fact I was going to tell them that I wasn't coming back the next day even though they already had me scheduled for that day, but they asked if I would come back and then if I still didn't like it, I could quit. The only time I've ever quit a job is when God led me to go back to school, so you know it was bad for me to want to do that. I went back the next day, and then a couple days later, and it's kept getting better and better and now I love it! I'm so excited and thankful that God knows us better than we know ourselves!! :) I'm still there and hope to be there for a long time.

Now, to the housing situation...when I first moved here, I moved in with a couple, the only couple I knew. It's been a huge blessing, getting to settle into an area I didn't know anyone else in, having moved away from everyone I knew, across the country, everything I own packed in my car, driving halfway by myself, when the furthest I had ever gone was about 6 hrs to East Carolina. Also, starting back to college full-time, when I hadn't been in school full-time since 2000. So, it's been great getting to stay there, but I knew it wouldn't be forever b/c I knew God would call me to be on my own; I didn't know it at the time I moved there that it would really be me in a one bedroom, but that was confirmed over and over, starting at the end of last semester. At 1st I was thinking I'd move out in May this year, but then it was March, but God wanted to give me an amazing Birthday present!!

On Feb 9th, I called one of the many numbers I had been calling to get a headway on the move...I had called the number the week before, when I was having a really hard week and they said they had people lined up and to call back the next week in case something opened up. So, I did and an apt was set up. I take a look at the 1st room, a basement room that hardly had any light coming in the windows; very dreary. I'm thinking, "No way." He said it was actually the apt on the 2nd floor that was available, but he forgot the key. So, I came back that afternoon, and after looking at it, I was definitely more interested. Rachel was a huge help in convincing me that it was a definite possibility. So, we step outside and he asked when I could move in! I hear myself saying, "In a couple days." He said it was too small a place for the people living there, so they wanted out within a couple days. I found myself in the office, signing papers the very next day! I picked up my key on Wednesday, Feb 16th. Packed everything in a couple days and moved everything this past Sunday Feb 20th! Not only that, but a friends from church and school have been so generous, it blows me away....I have a whole bed-set with dresser, headboard, couch, desk, and chair for living microwave, coffee maker, and most of my other kitchen necessities!! :) Words can't begin to express my gratitude!!

Oh, if that isn't enough, I just switched my license plates over to Idaho, and will be switching my drivers license over to Idaho as soon as study the book to take the written test; it's a bummer I have to re-take that, but at least I don't have to do the driver's test again. Did you know that cows get the right away here, and if you hit one, YOU are responsible?! What's this world coming to? heehee Oh, well. So....I'll be here for awhile, and very excited that God changed my heart on that; I really was planning on moving back to NC in May 2012 after graduation, but God's not done with me here :)

More exciting news: I'll be starting to volunteer at the Pregnancy Crisis Center, starting next week, every Thursday, and more often in the future after school. There's a lot of exciting stuff happening within the college; many new students signing up to come next year, even ones from other parts of the world! Such a blessing having a church family here too :)

Blessings to you all, especially those of you who actually made it to the end of my typically long updates ;) Each one of you is such a blessing and praying for you; you're all so special to me and a pray that you all are doing well. If there's anything specific I can be praying for you, please let me know.


1) God's amazing grace, patience, perfect timing, and so much more!!
2) Apartment; great location; near school, church, work, etc. and right around the corner from friends from church.
3) Job; the people I get to work with, the customers who come in; the understanding managers; loving it!
4) Pregnancy Crisis Center; having the opportunity to volunteer there :)
5) Church; such sweet families; such a blessing!
6) School; getting to learn more about the Lord and His blessings to us than I ever imagined; being challenged in what I believe and why!! Such amazing people to teach us and fellow students to learn with!!
7) Family and friends who support me 100% :)
8) Being content with where God has me and not dreading it anymore.

Prayer Requests:

1) Catching up on school work, with all that's going on.
2) Ministry among the people God brings along the way.

In His Love,

"He who has more truth, should also have more grace." ~ Gordon Olson