Thursday, January 13, 2011

Journeying with my Lord and Savior

It's hard to know where to start with this new life that the Lord has blessed me with...God is so AMAZING; can't even begin to tell you how much, but I'll try... :-)

As I'm currently listening to a song by Leeland called "Yes You Have," they're singing "You've stolen my heart..." That's how I feel right now...God's stolen my AWESOME!!

It was so refreshing going home over Christmas break. I've been in Twin Falls, ID since August last year. It's been the hardest thing I've ever done. I left my whole family and group of friends, some of which I've known since I was nine years old (that is, my friends; my family I've known since birth heehee). Everything I've ever known was left there in NC. I know I was suppose to move here, but I didn't really know why. I mean, I've been going to college, after having been out for 10 years! I had accepted that as much as possible, and was enduring getting through the semester, but that was about it. I wasn't feeling settled and was just wanted to finish, at the same time, wondering if I should just give up and go back home to NC (although that would have been hard to, having to start over w/o a job and still w/o a degree). So, either way was hard. It was especially hard after having been home for c-mas. How was I going to endure going back and going for another year and four months?

Don't get me wrong. God has blessed me with a church family here, as well as the two people I knew before moving here, and their family, who have all helped me in getting settled and learning the area, etc. But I still couldn't let go of what I longed for back home...familiar people who I had grown up with.

So, I come back here to Idaho, with an ache in my heart for home. Then, Sunday morning on January 9th, the Holy Spirit changed all that within me. I had gotten up early, to spend time with the Lord before the service, which I hadn't really done for awhile, sadly to say. Anyway, I'm talking with God and He's telling me something important (not audibly, but through His Word, etc.). I'm crying out to God and He simply says, "Praise Me, no matter what. No matter the uncertainties about job, apartment to move into, school work, etc. Praise Me. (period). " Seems simple enough, but wasn't something I had been doing. I was laying stuff at His feet, and then going back later, trying to pick it up again for myself to carry or figure out on my own....something I've struggled with for awhile. Finally, I was like, "You're right Lord. You're absolutely right." I started praising Him, despite the uncertainties. He's in CONTROL and His timing is PERFECT!! :-)

My entire perspective and attitude changed. I'm believing that my God is a BIG God and knows what He's doing!! Thank You LORD, for who You are!! The rest of the day was so AMAZING, as if I had just gotten saved. The service at church was rich with His presence; not that it wasn't before, but I was ready this time to receive whatever the Lord had to give. I wasn't going there without already having been fed that morning. Not saying this to boast, but just to relay how much better church is when I spend time with the Lord beforehand. I really felt like I connected with the people there more than I had in the past few months of being there.

My roommates Rachel and her husband Nathanael, and I had lunch together, discussing the new semester and I was much more interested and excited than last semester. Then, we went over to a family's house from church and hung out that evening, discussing various topics, drinking coffee, and had a time of worship together. Was sooo refreshing; hadn't done that in while. Just like Home Fellowship days from NC :-)

Not only that, but then job opportunities started looking more promising. And also, a place to move to as a one bedroom apt to call my own. Those two things are not definite, but more in grasp than before.

There's so much excitement in this new year!! There's more I could expand on, but I better bring this to a close before it becomes another novel...or maybe it's already surpassed that....? Thank you for reading this. God bless you on your journey! Love and miss you all! If you have anything that needs prayer or you have a praise to share, let me know; love hearing from you all! :-) I'll probably only get a blog out at the end or beginning of each semester; too busy with school work to do much more than that. Plus you probably don't have time to read much more than that... hahaha

Praise: God's goodness no matter what the circumstances; a chance to journey WITH HIM!! :-)

Prayer requests:
1) Job -- part-time, about 10 hrs a week
2) One bed room apt at reasonable cost
3) School work
4) Especially to fall more in love with Jesus!

Courses for Spring Semester 2011:

1) Greek 2
2) American Education and Government
3) College Algebra 2
4) Language and Society (not an English class, btw; this is going to be one of my favorites) :-)
5) Pentateuch (1st 5 books of the OT)
6) Martial Arts, self defense class

In His Amazing Love,


MsTNTBS said...
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This Needs To Be Said... said...

Cathy, God has smiled on you and that is what I have noticed ever since I met you years ago. I am praying with you and know that the things your heart desires will come to past. Thank you for sharing. Katherine Waddell

Cathy said...

thank you so much katherine! that means so much to me! :-)

calihick4 said...

Isn't it amazing how nothing can change circumstantially, and yet it feels like EVERYTHING has changed? God is GOOD! Praying for you as always! Love you - Tara

Cathy said...

yeah, that IS awesome; thanks tara! love ya!