Friday, November 30, 2012

God's heart for the broken....

(this blog goes with my face book posts, so you'll have to look at those for this to make since....from 11-28-12 through 11-30-12)

Good Morning everyone!!!! You ready for the answer?! Sorry for the delay....

I know ALL of you have been waiting “patiently” in anticipation!! ;) I know I would have been the same way, asking every 5 min...I'm def not great at waiting, especially for a wedding invitation! Soooooo.....the answer is JESUS....HE is my HUSBAND, while I'm single and after I get married. He has PURSUED ME all my life....that's why I said I've known this guy for most of my life (more like “knew of Him” for most my life). We became best friends 10 years ago July 4th, 2002 after a Home Fellowship group (that's for another story day). This crazy idea of the engagement was to share characteristics of Christ to look for in a spouse....this is my story that God wanted me to share with you in the most bizarre way, but not strange to God since He loves to use us in new ways so we don't get bored or overlook something He wants to reveal to us, and to further His kingdom and bring glory to Him, so this is not about me getting attention; it's about bringing attention to HIM and HIM ALONE :) SO PLEASE READ THIS WITH THE MIND AND HEART OF CHRIST AND BE READY TO BE BLOWN AWAY (not b/c i'm writing this, but b/c the Holy Spirit is using me in my weakness to speak life and truth to everyone who will read this; thanks for your patience and understanding in advance!!! :) (this whole thing is vulnerable for me, so please don't post any negative comments or “advise” about this crazy thing I can email me anything that you have questions or concerns and I will address those the best I can when I have a chance; thanks for respecting that; I had to be obedient to Christ, not to ppl; that is my priority). Here it goes ....

The past months, since May this year, when I started having severe panic attacks, depression, and mood swings, God brought me back to NC from ID. I was mad for a long time that I couldn't “make it” on my own there. God has shown me that He brought me back here for a purpose.... 1) to meet new ppl that I would need to know closely in order to partner with in prayer no matter where life takes us all....2) to get healing (physically and spiritually by ppl who happened to be here by old and new friends)....3) to be challenged to try new things, to laugh and be silly and a kid again (which has just happened the past couple weeks.....soooo needed that; not sure why it didn't come sooner, but God's timing is perfect!)... 4) to be in these 3 different churches that i'm in.... 5) and so much more!! God allowed me to fail, to go through the worst suffering of my life from mid-May through about mid-October. He knew that if He didn't bring me down to my lowest point ever, He might lose me (not from salvation, but from the BEST He had for me). God is sooooo gracious and merciful and FULL of wisdom!!!!

So, long story short, He has FREED me and given me such a CONFIDENCE in Him, a LOVE for Him and others, a HUNGER for His Word and PRAYER, and SO MUCH MORE than I have ever experienced the past 10 years....and He has shown me that EVERY step and season I went through and EVERY friend and family member He put in my life, helped in shaping me for this season in life, so EVERYONE OF YOU MADE A HUGE IMPACT AND I AM SOOOOO GRATEFUL AND BLESSINGS TO YOU ALL!!!! I'm sorry to have done it in this way (although i'm not sorry; you can take it up with God; I have no regrets), but I know God was in it!!! He was the One who convinced me in the 1st place!!! I first told Him “no way Lord; choose someone else to do that.” He said, " I will give you the words to say and the wisdom and the strength to go through with it and that if anyone comes against you about it and says you were wrong to do it this way, I will redeem you and comfort you, so go for it My daughter; don't listen to the lies of satan that you are not worthy or that you are not strong enough, etc. YOU ARE SEALED BY THE HOLY SPIRIT AND THE LIES HAVE NO HOLD ON YOU; I AM YOUR HUSBAND AND WILL PROTECT YOU FROM WHAT PPL MIGHT SAY B/C OF THIS!!!" :)

All that to say, this was to get many ppl's attention, and it did, in order to share this story and to say, “DO NOT SETTLE FOR WHO YOU MARRY....DO NOT SETTLE FOR WHOEVER YOU THINK YOU DESERVE....DO NOT SETTLE FOR SOMEONE WHO ONLY MEETS “PART” OF YOUR CRITERIA....DO NOT SETTLE FOR SOMEONE WHO WOULD HAVE YOU COMPROMISE....DO NOT SETTLE FOR THE FIRST “GOOD PERSON” WHO COMES ALONG.....DO NOT SETTLE FOR A MANIPULATOR....DO NOT SETTLE, DO NOT SETTLE, DO NOT SETTLE....I have soooo much more for you that is far beyond ANYTHING you could ever fathom in your mind!!! Wait on Me!!! ~~ Jesus

Girls, pray for patience in the waiting and allow the guys to pursue YOU and don't use your bodies to “real (?sp) them in”. Guys, pray for boldness to go out there and pursue who God has told you to pursue and who you DESIRE to pursue; treat every girl as you would treat your sister and then when you meet your future wife, you will not have offered yourself in the wrong way to the wrong girl, saving both you, your wife, and the other girl (this goes for the girls too). Be pure and above reproach; this time of waiting counts towards your future and EVERYTHING you do and say now, and what you allow your eyes to see and ears to hear WILL affect your heart and your future relationships/marriage!!! If you have already made mistakes, guess what? WE ALL HAVE MADE MISTAKES!!! (well Jesus hasn't, but you know what I mean). WE ARE REDEEMED  FORGIVEN, AND HEALED and we don't have to think we're spoiled goods b/c we are NEW in Christ Jesus, and if someone does not accept you b/c of this...they are NOT the'd be settling.

I'm going to post a starting list of things to look for in a spouse, both for girls and guys to answer if they desire....don't feel obligated; it's an exercise for us all to encourage each other and prepare each other for that future partner who will challenge and be our best friend next to Christ, and who we will meet in God's excited!!!! :) Amen!! I love you all and hope this does not offend or make you made, but if it does, I can't do much about that; that's between you and God....take it up with Him ;) Not saying that to be harsh or say I don't care about your opinion, but to say that God told me to do this and to not listen to ridicule, but to brush it off, pray for that person, and move on in His plans :) Blessings on your day and your future!!! Hope this has helped each of you, even those who are already married, but may have a daughter or son who needs to read this....feel free to print it out or email it to whoever; it's meant to be passed on and used for God's glory!!! No credit needed to's all HIM be all glory, honor, and praise!!!! :) From God and your sister in Christ.....Love, Joy, Peace, Hope, Faith....

1 comment:

Cathy said...